Top 10 Indoor Air Purifying Plants that will Keep Your Mind Fresh

Indoor Air Purifying Plants

If you are reading this post then no doubt you are a plant lover, and if I am wrong here, then I bet you will become a plant lover after reading this post. Nature has given us many things like air, plants, animals, natural resources etc. We cannot return the blessing of our nature. But we can contribute to conserving nature by less harming its resources.

Today we are facing a pandemic disease named Coronavirus also know as COVID-19. Some countries are blaming china for responsible for this virus. We are not sure whether it was human-made or it just come from animals. Big countries including India has declared the Lockdown to protect their citizens. But we can see there is a positive impact of this lockdown on our nature, Air quality has improved, animals are moving freely outside their forests, the water of rivers has become clear and pollution-free, we can see the blue sky with naked eyes.

After observing these changes you can understand the value of conserving our nature and natural resources. Plants are one small part of our nature but they play a very big role in keeping good air quality even in our home, office and gardens. Today we are going to bring your attention to the top 10 Indoor Air Purifying Plants. These plants will help to improve your home’s air quality and they will also add extra color and texture to your home.

List of Top 10 Indoor Air Purifying Plants

  1. Snake Plant
  2. Money Plant (Pothos)
  3. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Plant)
  4. Peace Lily
  5. Spider Plant
  6. Aloe Vera
  7. Broad Lady Palm
  8. Rubber Plant
  9. Ficus (Weeping Figs)
  10. Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen)

1. Snake Plant

Snake Plant

Snake Plant is one the easiest to grow indoor air purifying plant. Its scientific name is ‘Dracaena Trifasciata’ We have placed at the top of our list due to its easy to care nature. This plant can survive in low light even in your bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. This plant is approved by NASA as an Air Purifying plant. This plant comes in many verities including sansevieria which is a dwarf variety, Sansevieria trifasciata, Cylindrica, Golden Hahnii, Black Robusta, etc.

If we talk about its propagation method it is easy to propagate. You can propagate it from its leaf or from its baby plants.

2. Money Plant (Pothos)

Money Plant (Pothos)

Money Plant also is known as pothos, the name money plant is famous because its round-shaped leaf looks like coins. Money plant comes in many verities including normal money plant, white money plant, golden money plant, big leaf money plant, etc. these are most famous for indoor houseplants. Some people in India also believe that money plant is lucky to grow in the house, I heard it increases the wealth of its owner. Anyway, this is a beautiful indoor air purifying plant it reduces the number of pollutants from home and makes the air fresh.

Money plants spread like the wine we plant it both on the pot and direct garden. But remember if we place in the direct sun its leaves get yellow and if the temperature increases this plant can also die. We can place it at such a place where it can absorb indirect sunlight like at the window.

3. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Plant)

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Plant)

ZZ Plant is another most famous indoor air purifying plant. Its scientific name is ‘Zamioculcas’. It is a tropical perennial plant native to eastern Africa. This plant has leaves arranged in Z shaped structure so it is also called ZZ plant. This plant also reduces pollutants from the air we can place it in bright or dark both places. This plant is very hardy and we can easily propagate it from stem or leaf in water. ZZ plant is very beautiful we can place it in our bedroom, drawing room to add life and extra color that increases the beauty of the home.

4. Peace Lily

Peace Lily

Another beautiful indoor air purifying plant is Peace Lily. Peace Lily is also known as Alexia and its scientific name is ‘Spathiphyllum’. This is a flowering plant and native to tropical regions of America and southeastern Asia. We can easily purchase peace lily plants in different flower colors including red, white, pink and variegated colors from any local nursery. This plant also reduces the number of pollutants from the air. This plant can survive in both low light and bright light and we can place it near our bed or at the center of the dining table.

5. Spider Plant

Spider Plant

Another beautiful indoor air purifying plant is Spider Plant, its scientific name is ‘Chlorophytum Comosum’. This plant is called Spider Plant due to its spider-like shape and leaves. The spider plant is basically a hanging plant that we can hang where it gets indirect sunlight. This is also beautiful indoor which we can add in our collection to increase the look and air quality of our home. Spider plant produces its runner plant which we can separate to propagate for more plants.

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another indoor air purifying plant that we can add to our indoor collection. It is an evergreen perennial plant, originated from the Arabian Peninsula but now it grows wild in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates around the world. This plant has many benefits it reduces pollutants from the air, this plant also used as a treatment for skin diseases and is used in many medicines and syrups. This plant comes in different varieties and can found in every plant lover’s home. The propagation of this plant is very easy it produces many child plants which we can separate from the mother plant to grow new aloe vera plant.

7. Broad Lady Palm

Broad Lady Palm

Broad Lady Palm is my favorite indoor plant. I have placed it on my balcony. Its scientific name is ‘Rhapis excelsa’ which is native to southern China and Taiwan. This plant can grow better both indoor and outdoor in shaded areas. Broad Lady Palm is also NASA’s approved air-purifying plant that helps in absorbing many pollutants and increases air quality. You probably have seen this plant in offices and homes. You can add this plant to your indoor collection due to its beautiful bushy leafy structure and air purifying quality.

8. Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant

Rubber Plant is also my favorite indoor air purifying plant, which I have placed aside my bed in my bedroom. Its scientific name is ‘Ficus elastica’ which is native to eastern parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia. This plant is also famous as the name of the rubber fig, rubber bush, rubber tree, rubber plant, or Indian rubber bush and Indian rubber tree. This is a slow grower indoor plant which is also approved by NASA as an air-purifying plant. You can add this plant to your indoor collection due to its beautiful leaves and a tree-like structure.

9. Ficus (Weeping Figs)

Ficus (Weeping Figs)

Ficus (Weeping Figs) is also known as just a ficus tree. This is a common plant that is easily available in all nurseries. Its scientific name is ‘Ficus Benjamina’. Ficus plant is a species of flowering plants in the family Moraceae and is native to Asia and Australia. This is the official tree of Bangkok. We can place this plant both indoor and outdoor. But mostly we can see this plant in outside gardens. It can grow better in shaded places like under any big tree. We can also grow it indoors near windows where it can get bright light at least 2 – 3 hours. This plant can also be used to make a bonsai tree.

10. Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen)

Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen)

Aglaonema which is also known as ‘Chinese evergreens’ is our another Indoor air-purifying plant. Its scientific name is ‘Aglaonema’. This plant is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. This beautiful plant reduces air pollutants and improves air quality. We can plant is plants indoor where it can get bright light. This plant comes in many varieties and colors. We can add this plant to our indoor collection to increase the look of our homes and offices.

All these plants are air purifying plants which we can add to our collection. But remember some plants are toxic in and it can harm if anyone eats the leaves of these plants. So while using indoor plants keep them away from your pets and children. I hope you liked these plants and my post. If you have any queries or suggestion then add it in below comment box.

Experienced Search Engine Optimization Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the Information Technology & Services industry. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing. Strong marketing professional and post graduated from Indira Gandhi National Open University.

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